Monday, December 6, 2010

Prep, prep, prep.

- 6 salads
- 2 lasagnas
- a pound of salmon sushi
- 8 spring rolls
- two litres of fresh berry smoothies
- bottled water, Diet Red Bull and various Cokes
- some kiwifruits

- 35 attack power flasks
- 80 strenght/stamina foods
- 40 hit/stamina foods
- 100 band aids
- 40 health pots
- 40 mana pots
- gear set up and reforged for levelling, not raiding

You were saying, Illidan?

1 comment:

  1. Ahaha. Good work, Payce! Now I feel woefully unprepared by comparison. -_- Work has not been friendly and obliging to my "getting ready for Cata" needs. Well, I still have a bit of time. Have fun leveling. :D
